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Start doing online business using B2B Portals in Six Steps
I registered with a B2B site but what's next? This is a question many first time users of B2B marketplaces ask themselves. A few expect that the registration itself will bring them a number of new customers. In some cases this might by true! Especially, if you are a seller of some much coveted items. But for rest of us, things are a little trickier! A large B2B marketplace has a lot of suppliers of similar products, who are vying for the attention of potential customers. To establish your company as a favored one among them is not an easy task! However, a little planning and thorough follow up of some basic guidelines improve your chance of getting noticed by buyers significantly. Below, I outlined some of the basic steps that you should take once you seriously decide to market your products using B2B marketplaces. 1 Write a nice profile When a prospective client sees your trade lead ad or your product on the marketplace and feels interested, the first thing he does is - checks your company profile out. That's where the buyer gets his initial information about your company. If you have a virtually blank profile with a very little information on your company, doubtful that the potential client will even bother to make a request for quote. That's why you should spend a little time on writing a nice company profile. Here are some aspects that you should emphasize on while writing your company profile. Start your profile with something noteworthy about your company. This could be the distinct quality that sets your business apart from your competition. Describe your present customer base, target market and any new products or projects that you are planning to come up with. Write a bit about your company history. When the company was incorporated? What is the business form? If you have something to boast about, do it! If you feel that your sales figures are impressive, why not mention them. Be brief! The profile should not be more than five paragraphs. You don't want your buyers to get bored! 2 Include your logo on your Storefront page If you would like to separate your company from many other similar vendors, you have to think seriously about creating a brand for your company. Brand is the distinctive pattern of your business operation. It portrays the nature of your service or product, your uniqueness in comparison to others etc. A nice looking logo is a key to branding your company. Customers will remember your company name better if you have a great logo to go with. 3 Add products to your storefront It is important to have your main products, products that are your primary sale generators, added to your storefront. Products with nice picture and well descriptions capture buyers attention more than any thing else. After all the reason that the buyers are on your page is to look for the products that they need. New Great Storefront Services Whether you are a small enterprise, which sells goods and services locally, or you are a medium to large company with global reach, Rusbiz is planning to introduce great storefront services with complete corporate site to match your every business need. Features include: Basic Single page storefront 10 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiations Internal Messaging Service Many other features Available now and it's free! Enterprise 10 different templates to build multiple-page storefront 100 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiations Purchase Orders Invoices Tax Calculation Shipment tracking Internal Messaging Service Merchant Account Many other features Coming soon! Corporate 10 different templates to build multiple-page storefront 1000 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiation Purchase Orders Invoices Tax Calculation Shipment tracking Internal Messaging Service Merchant Account Many other features Coming soon! 4 Make nice pictures of your products Nothing can turn off a prospective buyer than a hazy or blur picture of the product that he intends to buy from you. If your competitor's product with exactly same features has nicer picture, guess who has a better chance to get the business? Spend some money and take professional pictures of your products. Make sure that you followed all the instructions of the Portal before uploading the pictures. 5 Post your products for sale on the marketplace Product visibility is the name of the game! Don't confine yourself just by adding products to E-catalog and your Storefront. Post products for sale on the E-marketplace. There are numbers of great advantages of posting products on E-marketplaces: Frequent browsers of marketplace can see your products Buyers can compare your products with others on marketplace Buyers can take an immediate buying decision and make an instant Purchase Order. 6 Post trade leads For many not-so-savvy users of B2B sites it's a bit complicated to make buys and sales through marketplaces. They prefer to get trade leads from the site and make contacts with buyers or sellers by fax, phone or just emails. Posting trade leads is a great marketing method to tap new territories. Don't be disappointed if you do not get immediate feedbacks. Repeat trade leads at least once in a month. Since normally a portal constantly acquires new members, in order to expose the leads to bigger audience, it is worthwhile to post trade leads frequently. About The Author Nowshade Kabir, Ph.D., is the founder, primary developer and present CEO, of Rusbiz.com, a global business to business e-commerce portal with feature like storefronts, aggregated catalog, e-marketplace, trade leads, internal messaging system supply chain solutions, etc. With a doctorate in Information Technology, Dr. Kabir has worked an advisor to government projects and has over 12 years experience in International Trade. An author of many B2B and business related articles; he publishes a bi-weekly E-zine for online business community. You can subscribe to his newsletter free of charge from http://www.rusbiz.com.
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10 Reasons To Survey Your Visitors, Subscribers And Customers 1. To find out what type of content visitors want to see on your web site. This should increase repeat visits to your site. One Point Two Billion In this surreal world of the internet, anyone, even you, can put your point across to a staggering number of people in every country on the planet. Shop: Is Shopping Online Secure? Is shopping online becoming popular and safe enough for you and I to do the vast majority of our shopping on the Internet? Intranet Project ? RAD or Waterfall? Building Bridges Building eCommerce Websites That Work - Part 1 You want to succeed at eCommerce? Welcome to a very big family. Right off, let's be clear - there are lots of ways to do business on the internet. And lots of ways to both make and lose money. Successful eCommerce websites come in all shapes, kinds and colors and while I can't cover every type of site in this series, I will present the basics you need to consider and apply for an eCommerce web site to be successful. Creating Legal Framework for E-commerce Taxation; non-tax statutes We have to make amendments in existing substantive and procedural laws to make it compactable with changing technological advancement of e-commerce? Prompt Delivery Rules ? Internet Product Sales The Internet is the fastest growing source of mail order sales. The explosive growth in the goods and services sold online has in the past taken many online sellers by surprise: demand has outpaced supply, depleting inventories and disappointing customers. This can lead to serious problems with the FTC. Projecting Your Image Whether you sell a product or merely sell time to your employer in your labor, your main product is you. You sell yourself with every move you make, every word you speak or write, every attitude you display. How far you go up the ladder depends largely on the image you project to others. Shopping Cart Features to Consider Often the simplest Web stores have the most success. But shoppers like special features depending upon the type of store you have, how you market and use them, and if you don't overwhelm the shopper. Below I list as many features as I could think of, just to jog your creativity. How to Receive Payments for Your Online Sales Once you decide which products you are planning to sell on the Internet, and what type of web store you are going to use in order to display your products, next vital decision that you have to take is to figure out how your customers are going to pay you. Whatever you plan to sell online, accepting credit card transaction is a must! A full 90 percent of all online sales occur through credit card payments. Intranet Portals ? Search and Taxonomies Knowledge Management for beginners The Origins of E-Commerce What is the Internet? Something new in e-commerce: the Echo System Build How four partners build and manage an exclusive art posters web site by emulating the way the echo works. Imagine a top-notch photographer, some demanding visitors and an e-commerce site that wants to make money. But not at any price and in any conditions, within a policy of exclusivity and selectivity. You have got three quarters of our "Echosystem Build": Merchant Accounts: What They Can Do For You Congratulations! You created an impulse in a customer to buy your product. One small catch? without some way to take their credit card number, your sale is as good as gone. One of the most important ways to grab that sale NOW, is to have your own Visa/AMEX/MasterCard merchant account tied to your shopping system. It used to be hard for just anyone to get a merchant account, but those days are long gone, (as you probably know if you turned on your computer today.) It seems like just about every company out there is ready to give you merchant account status, well, not give sell. To find a relatively inexpensive one, visit my site at http://www.KickStartCart.com. Implications Of E-Commerce For Tax Legislation As e-commerce develops ambiguities in the current tax code in which it may be exposed. It would not be regarded as too early to take premature steps for undertaking such a review at a time when detailed international legislation are going on to promulgate acceptable standards laws for imposition taxation in this regard. The Central Board of Revenue should take active part in promulgation of conducting research on this subject in hand and should propose any changes to tax law in the light of what emerges in development in e-business. In the meantime, Central board of Revenue will do two things: How to Get Free Internet Merchant Accounts This article will show small businesses how to get free internet merchant accounts. If your business is to grow and succeed, it is essential to accept online credit cards. Google Catalogs - Old Gashioned Mail Order Meets High Tech Search In addition to Google's Froogle shopping service (still in beta), which features a searchable database of online merchants, Google is also beta-testing their Google Catalog service. Google Catalogs provides a searchable central repository of hundreds of mail-order catalogs. Credit Card Processing - 7 Things You Need to Know Before Opening an Online Merchant Account When considering opening an online merchant account to accept credit card orders, there are a lot of things you need to keep in mind. The best thing to do is learn all about credit card processing before you open your online merchant account so you can handle everything from the beginning rather than having to go back and make many changes. What Are The Barriers of Implementing E-Commerce Solutions What is electronic commerce? What You Must Know About Selling Online to Europe The European market is a multi-billion $ sector which you can not afford to ignore. If you are based within Europe, American or Canada you must be aware of the legal restrictions and requirements or face a hefty fine which could close your business. Don't panic! I am going to make this so simple you can't go wrong. ![]() |
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