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My #1 Google ranking advice. You have to see this...
What I'm about to share with you is my #1 secret weapon to getting top Google rankings faster than nearly anyone else, so pay very close attention. Hardly anyone knows about this and I sort of accidentally bumped into it. How, you might ask? Well... Have you ever done competitive research online and kept finding whatever website you were analyzing kept pointing back to the same person in some way or another? That's exactly what happened to me. And I set out on a mission to find this woman that kept popping up in all of my research. I had heard of her before, but you know, you hear about a lot of people. It was only when I found she was responsible for a ton of my competitors rankings that I thought to myself, "Self, I need to be stealth here, do myself a favor and WIN her over to MY side!" When I made contact, she said, and I quote, "Dang how did you find me? I must be getting sloppy!" And I thought, yeah, sloppy enough to be getting THOSE type of rankings?? I would like to be that sloppy! ;-) I used my best charm (hehehe) and finally, finally got her to work on my new site for me. She explained what she was doing and put together a very cool "7-Step Seo Power Guide" PDF report plus "Process Map" and said I could pass it along if I found value in it, and believe me, it's some awesome stuff. => http://www.7StepSEO.com Read EVERY WORD of that report because it's that good. Talk soon, Brad Callen Bryxen Software, Inc. P.S. You will find things in this free downloadable PDF "7-Step SEO Power-Guide" that you haven't heard anywhere else, I promise! => http://www.7StepSEO.com Bryxen Software, Inc. 2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032
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Chinas IT Industry to Maintain Fast Growth China's IT industry is expected to see a sales revenue of 2.68 trillion yuan (US$322.3 billion) in 2004, up 42.3 per cent year-on-year, becoming the country's leading driver for economic growth, MII(Ministry of Information Industry) sources indicate. Gooooooooooogle It! ....there's much more to Google than you thought: Expand Your Local Business Through the Internet To obtain more local customers for your business, consider expanding your local business through the Internet. Here are some ways of doing so. Select a Niche Market for Ecommerce Choosing a carefully pinpointed niche market should be one of the first steps that an internet business owner has to take. A very common way of describing a niche market is 'a targeted group of individuals with very specific and similar needs or interests.' These people engage in similar activities and hence they would most probably demand the same goods or services to cater to their needs. Online businesses that drop ship their products to their customers would thrive by focusing on a specifically targeted niche market. In this article, I would focus on the advantages a niche market can bring to an online Drop Ship business. This article also provides you with practical steps for you to select your niche market. PayPal Powered Three years ago I was doing some work for a local university helping to redesign an internal website they wanted updated and made more user friendly. When the job was done the person I was doing the job for wanted to use his school issued credit card to pay for my services. Is ClickBanks Popularity Drawing To An End? ClickBank is the Internet's most popular payment processor for online payments but with many rivals appearing on the scene is ClickBank's popularity drawing to an end? Is It Easy to Build An E-commerce Web Site? --Online Commerce-- Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start Charging For Website Subscriptions If you're a writer, researcher, subject matter expert, enthusiastic hobbyist, or an authority on almost any topic, there has never been a better time to start your own subscription website or online newsletter. Building eCommerce Websites That Work - Part 1 You want to succeed at eCommerce? Welcome to a very big family. Right off, let's be clear - there are lots of ways to do business on the internet. And lots of ways to both make and lose money. Successful eCommerce websites come in all shapes, kinds and colors and while I can't cover every type of site in this series, I will present the basics you need to consider and apply for an eCommerce web site to be successful. Shopping Cart Features to Consider Often the simplest Web stores have the most success. But shoppers like special features depending upon the type of store you have, how you market and use them, and if you don't overwhelm the shopper. Below I list as many features as I could think of, just to jog your creativity. Does Your Shopping Cart Have a Squeaky Wheel? Have you ever gone grocery shopping just before a holiday? The aisles are packed with people pushing carts, shelves need restocked, all the checkout lanes have long lines...not a fun experience. How Measuring Key Performance Indicators Can Improve E-Commerce Strategy - Part Two Why time spent on your site is important Maximize Your Froogling for Increased Website Profits Are you familiar with Froogle? If you are an online merchant, you certainly should be. Overcoming Frustration with Technology For whatever reason, when we get a new boost in productivity, whether that be from a tool, technology or technique...we quickly forget how much more efficient it's made us. It's human nature. It's like the commuter who gets angry about how bad traffic is, but forgets what a pain it was to wait for the bus. Or the cell phone user who complains about a bad connection, and forgets about the days when he had to fish for spare change to make a call from a pay phone. Saving Money On Your E-commerce Site After building and transferring many e-commerce sites it still amazes me that owners of e-commerce businesses are still wasting money in three basic ways. For fear of stating the obvious, saving money is the same as making money $100 saved is $100 added to your profit margin. Here are three basic ways to save money on your e-commerce site and increase your profits. While they may be simple we know they are overlooked time and time again resulting in thousands of dollars in lost revenue. The Lowdown On ECommerce: Making All The Pieces Fit Together The Lowdown on Ecommerce 10 Reasons Why People Wont Buy A Second Product From You 1. You didn't follow up after the first sale. After the 10 Reasons To Survey Your Visitors, Subscribers And Customers 1. To find out what type of content visitors want to see on your web site. This should increase repeat visits to your site. E-Commerce Is Back On The Fast Track How much holiday shopping did you do on-line this year? If you are reading this, then chances are good that you made at least one purchase on-line. Over 54% of all Americans did it [1]. A much higher percentage (>80%) of Internet users did it. Why Suppliers Should Use B2B Exchanges Business to business e-commerce is on the rise! Worldwide B2B e-commerce revenues are estimated to reach around US$ 2 trillion in 2004. This is a significant leap from last year's US$ 1.4 trillion. However, according to a recent survey, although, more than 70% of companies have already used Internet as a purchasing channel, a mere ten percent of their overall spending is directed via the Internet! Contrary to popular believe, this means, B2B e-commerce has still large potential to grow. ![]() |
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